Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Hobbit

Our book for discussion tonight is The Hobbit. Here are the discussion questions:
  1. What is the most appealing aspect of the book: the setting, the story, the characters, or the language?
  2. What is the main purpose of the journey that Bilbo takes with the dwarves? What convinces him to go?
  3. Is Bilbo a classical hero figure? How does he change during the quest? How do the dwarves’ attitudes toward him change?
  4. What other characters are heroes or have heroic qualities in this book?
  5. How are Bilbo and Gollum alike? What is Gollum?
  6. Where do humans fit in among the other races of Middle-Earth? Are humans a good race? How are the other races in the book portrayed?
  7. What is your favorite adventure in this book?
  8. Why does Bilbo tire of his adventure? Why is he pleased to be “only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all?”
  9. How does Tolkien’s lighthearted tone impact the more serious elements of the plot?
  10. Explain how The Hobbit can be read as both a children’s book and an adult novel.
  11. How does this book compare to the trilogy that follows it?
  12. How would you compare or contrast this book with the Narnia tales? Which do you like better? Why?
Except for #12, these questions were obtained from

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Reading List 2010

Here is our reading schedule for the rest of 2010:

Date Book Leader
9/9 The Hobbit Will
10/14 The Everlasting Man Ray
11/11 The Man Born to be King Cristabel
12/9 Phantastes Ray

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Our Vision Is To ...

  • bring together those in the Harrisonburg, Virginia area who share for C. S. Lewis, among all authors, a special admiration, affection, and active interest.
  • meet, and to consider all aspects of the life and work of this rare man, and any matters on which his thought may shed light.
  • establish and maintain contact with others throughout the world who share our active interest in C. S. Lewis.
  • welcome people who are unfamiliar with the writings of C. S. Lewis, but who are interested in exploring his work.


Our monthly discussion group meetings will be held at Barnes & Noble Booksellers in Harrisonburg ( on the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. Each month we will discuss a different book by or about Lewis or the circle of authors related to him (The Inklings).


The Harrisonburg C. S. Lewis Society is open to all who wish to discover and learn more about the life and writings of C. S. Lewis. We welcome those who are new to Lewis as well as those who have been reading his works for many years. At this time there is no membership fee.